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Uploading image to sanity io in react native

I have a array of objects in sanity io and each object is like this:

      name: "savedFaces",
      title: "Saved Faces",
      type: "array",
      of: [
          name: "savedFace",
          title: "Saved Face",
          type: "object",
          fields: [
              name: "title",
              title: "Title",
              type: "string",
              name: "notes",
              title: "Notes",
              type: "string",
              name: "savedDate",
              title: "Saved Date",
              type: "string",
              name: "image",
              title: "Image",
              type: "image",

and I want to upload an image from the app to sanity, I convert the image URI to base64:


but when I send the data sanity shows an error saying the type of the sent data is string.

and this is the request code:

const mutations = [
      patch: {
        id: 'd596fa17-9816-4463-ae81-85a6f34bc414',
        set: {
          after: 'savedFaces[-1]',
          items: [
              title: savedFace.title,
              notes: savedFace.description,
              savedDate: savedFace.savedDate,
              image: `data:image/jpg;base64,${uriToBase64.base64}`

    JSON.stringify({ mutations }),
      headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        Authorization: `Bearer ${API_TOKEN}`


  • Try this 😊

    const img = await fetch(result.uri);
          const bytes = await img.blob();
          sanityClient.assets.upload('image', bytes, { filename: 'image' }).then((imageAsset) => {
            const doc: any = {
              _type: '...',
              name: '....',
            sanityClient.create(doc).then((response) => {
              return sanityClient
                  image: {
                    _type: 'image',
                    asset: {
                      _type: 'reference',
                      _ref: imageAsset._id,
    <!-- end 
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