Please Help! How to add "myCss" class for one date before bookedDates? (17 Aug and 17 Sep in my example). The idea is to paint a different color day before booked. This is example code for which I am trying to do this:
const DateTime = easepick.DateTime;
const bookedDates = [
'18-08-2022', '19-08-2022', '20-08-2022', '18-09-2022', '19-09-2022', '20-09-2022',
].map(d => {
if (d instanceof Array) {
const start = new DateTime(d[0], 'DD-MM-YYYY');
const end = new DateTime(d[1], 'DD-MM-YYYY');
return [start, end];
return new DateTime(d, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
const picker = new easepick.create({
element: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
css: [
'[email protected]/dist/index.css',
readonly: true,
zIndex: 10,
format: "DD MMM YYYY",
readonly: false,
plugins: ['RangePlugin', 'LockPlugin'],
RangePlugin: {
tooltipNumber(num) {
return num - 1;
locale: {
one: 'night',
other: 'nights',
LockPlugin: {
minDate: new Date(),
minDays: 2,
inseparable: true,
filter(date, picked) {
if (picked.length === 1) {
const incl = date.isBefore(picked[0]) ? '[)' : '(]';
return !picked[0].isSame(date, 'day') && date.inArray(bookedDates, incl);
return date.inArray(bookedDates, '[)');
<script src="[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js"></script>
<input readonly="readonly" id="datepicker"/>
You need to use a setup option in easepick.create({ ... }):
Before date
setup(picker) {
picker.on('view', (event) => {
const { view, target, date } = event.detail;
if (view === 'CalendarDay') {
const dayAfter = date.clone().add(1, 'day');
if (
! picker.options.LockPlugin.filter(date, picker.datePicked)
&& picker.options.LockPlugin.filter(dayAfter, picker.datePicked)
) {
After date
setup(picker) {
picker.on('view', (event) => {
const { view, target, date } = event.detail;
if (view === 'CalendarDay') {
const dayBefore = date.clone().subtract(1, 'day');
if (
picker.options.LockPlugin.filter(dayBefore, picker.datePicked)
&& ! picker.options.LockPlugin.filter(date, picker.datePicked)
) {