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MongoDB - How to use arrayFilters in pipeline-style for update

I use Mongo 4.4 and I try to perform an update with the aggregation pipeline using updateOne that updates the nested array elements. In order to update the specific array member I use an arrayFilter in the option but for some reason, I get the error message:

arrayFilters may not be specified for pipeline-style updates.

The query is something like this:

{ _id: <some_id>},
    $set: { 'arr.$[element]': <new_value> }
    $set: { somefield: { '$cond': { <the condition content> } } }
  arrayFilters: [ {'': <new_value>.id } ]

How to fix it?


An example of a document is:

  _id: 932842242342354234,
  lastUpdateTime: <old time>,
  comments: [
      id: 390430,
      content: "original",
      lastUpdated: <sime time>

The query I want to do is update a comment and at the same time update the main object's field lastEditTime only if the content lastUpdated has a time that is after the current lastEditTime of the current document. So the update is:

{ _id: documentId},
    $set: { 'comments.$[element]': newComment }
    $set: { lastUpdateTime: { 
          '$cond': { 
              if: { $gte: [newComment.lastUpdated, '$lastUpdateTime'] },
              then: newComment.lastUpdated,
              else: '$lastUpdateTime',
  arrayFilters: [ {'': } ]

So for example after an update with the comment:

  id: 390430,
  content: "new content",
  lastUpdated: <new time>

I want my main object to be:

  _id: 932842242342354234,
  lastUpdateTime: <new time>,
  comments: [
      id: 390430,
      content: "new content",
      lastUpdated: <new time>


  • I think the arrayFilters is not suitable for your scenario. Instead, using the aggregation pipeline.

    With $map to iterate every element in comments array. If the element is matched with the id to be updated, then update with newComment object, else remain the existing value.

    { _id: documentId },
        $set: { 
          'comments': {
            $map: {
              input: "$comments",
              in: {
                $cond: {
                  if: { $eq: [ "$$", ] },
                  then: newComment,
                  else: "$$this"
        $set: { lastUpdateTime: { 
              '$cond': { 
                  if: { $gte: [newComment.lastUpdated, '$lastUpdateTime'] },
                  then: newComment.lastUpdated,
                  else: '$lastUpdateTime',