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Formula Help (Month's Total, Between Two Dates)

I am trying to generate a report that will show that month's total gas billed. I have two excel sheets in the same document.

The goal is to total a month's gas billing at a specific location for that month.

Conditions in the formula are Location Name, Beginning of the month, and end of the month.

=SUMIFS(Data!M:M,Data!L:L,"Olive Branch",">="&C3,'Data'!F:F,"<="&EOMONTH(C3,0))

This formula above is the formula not working for me. I am not sure what I can change. I've tried to mimic resources online the best that I could, but I'm missing something. This data is coming from an Excel form that I created as well.

  • Column M is Receipt Total.
  • Column L is Location.
  • C3 is The month criteria on the front sheet.
  • Column F is the purchase date of the gas

Front Sheet

Data Table

Including rest of data table


  • You needed to reference the Data!F:F range for each check against the date range, but the formula you gave only did this once.

    =SUMIFS(Data!M:M,Data!L:L,"Olive Branch",Data!F:F,">="&C3,Data!F:F,"<"&EDATE(C3,1))