The Kafka stream contains a List<Employee>
and I want to process the stream as the new Kafka Stream will contain the all Employee
from the List<Employee>.
In nutshell I want to unpack the Employee List from existing stream and put individual Employee object into a new stream
I am trying to use the flatMapValues(K,V)
function in Kafka Java Library.
Basically I need to unpack the List<Employee>
and place the individual object into the Kafka Stream.
I also tried with the forEach loop on the Kafka stream but it's not working.
I saw the documentation for using the flatMapValues()
but not sure how to use it.
If you return the list from the flatMapValues
function, it will get expanded into individual records.
You may need to add a Produced.withValueSerde
in order to set the appropriate serializer for individual objects rather than a list of them.