Can we reduce code duplication with these methods with the new java functional paradigm? I tried to pass the function as param. But one has Functional and the other BiFunctional. Unable to make it as from below code {1} & {2} are diff JPA queries with different num of method args. I am honestly new to this and appreciate any help.
public long byId(List<Long> ids) {
Pageable pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 10, Sort.Direction.ASC, "id");
Page<SomeDAO> currentPage = repository.findByIdIn(ids, pageRequest); // {1}
long totalRecords = 0;
while (!currentPage.isEmpty()) {
pageRequest =;
totalRecords += currentPage.getContent().size();
// some BL
currentPage = repository.findByIdIn(ids, pageRequest); // {1}
return totalRecords;
public long all() {
Pageable pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 10, Sort.Direction.ASC, "id");
Page<SomeDAO> currentPage = repository.findAll(pageRequest); // {2}
long totalRecords = 0;
while (!currentPage.isEmpty()) {
pageRequest =;
totalRecords += currentPage.getContent().size();
// some BL
currentPage = repository.findAll(pageRequest); // {2}
return totalRecords;
Use Function.
public long byId(List<Long> ids) {
return general(pageRequest -> repository.findByIdIn(ids, pageRequest));
public long all() {
return general(pageRequest -> repository.findAll(pageRequest));
public long general(Function<Pageable, Page<SomeDAO>> find) {
Pageable pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 10, Sort.Direction.ASC, "id");
Page<SomeDAO> currentPage = find.apply(pageRequest);
long totalRecords = 0;
while (!currentPage.isEmpty()) {
pageRequest =;
totalRecords += currentPage.getContent().size();
// some BL
currentPage = find.apply(pageRequest);
return totalRecords;