I'm getting below depreciation warning in arrow 1.1.2, could anyone please tell me what's the correct replacement for this?
[DEPRECATION] 'invoke(crossinline suspend OptionEffect<*>.() -> A?): Option' is deprecated. Deprecated in favor of the Effect Runtime
import arrow.core.computations.option
import arrow.core.Some
import arrow.core.none
import arrow.core.Option
suspend fun value(): Option<Int> =
option {
val x = none<Int>().bind()
val y = Some(1 + x).bind()
val z = Some(1 + y).bind()
x + y + z
suspend fun main() {
You should replace this import import arrow.core.computations.option
for import arrow.core.continuations.option
and it should fix your deprecation.
It changes the runtime with a package change, there is no breaking change in the Kotlin API.