I am able to print the blog array in the console and it includes the object. I want to use the object components by mapping through the id as the key but I am not able to get inside the map function. I was able to use the same map structure in my another component of my app but this one is not working. I tried map function in different ways but I am not able to get this one fixed. Can I get some review and advise on my code?
import {colRef} from "./firebase";
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import {doc, onSnapshot} from 'firebase/firestore'
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
const BlogDetails = () => {
const[blog,setBlog] = useState(null);
///Getting single document.
useEffect(() => {
const docref= doc(colRef,id);
let document =[];
onSnapshot(docref,(doc) => {
return (
<div className="blog-details">
{blog && (console.log(blog))}
{blog && (blog.map((blog) => (
<div className="blog-info" key={blog.id}>
{console.log('Inside blog-info')}
<p>Written by {blog.author}</p>
export default BlogDetails;
This code is asynchronouse and it can't work like this:
const docref= doc(colRef,id);
let document =[];
onSnapshot(docref,(doc) => {
document.push({...doc.data(),id:doc.id}) // than this
setBlog(document); // this runs first
It should look more like that:
const docref= doc(colRef,id);
onSnapshot(docref,(doc) => {