So, I want a way to check if file size is a multiple of 16 and if not I want to round up the file size to the next multiple of 16 and pad it with the null byte '\x00'.
FILE *input_stream = fopen(filename, "rb+");
if (input_stream == NULL) {
struct stat s;
stat(filename, &s);
if (s.st_size % 16 != 0) {
fseek(input_stream, 0, SEEK_END);
// not sure what to do after here
Why open the file before determining its size?
And, when you want to 'append' (write) to the file, you need different flags...
void chngSize( char *fName ) {
struct stat s;
stat( fName, &s );
if( s.st_size & 0xF == 0 )
char buf[16];
memset( buf, 0, sizeof buf );
FILE *fp = fopen( fName, "ab+");
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
fwrite( buf, sizeof buf[0], 16 - (s.st_size & 0xF), fp );
fclose( fp );
I'll leave it to you to check return values...