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TinkerPop Cant detect vertices with same label and add if not abscent

Hi so i am using thee following code :

    public Graph graph ;
    private HashMap<String, Node> nodes ;
    private HashMap<Node, Double> inDegree = new HashMap<Node, Double>();
    private HashMap<Node, Double> outDegree = new HashMap<Node, Double>();
    private GraphTraversalSource g ;
    public TinkerTopGraph(Graph graph) {
        this.graph = graph;
        this.nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>();
        graph =;
        g = traversal().withEmbedded(graph);
    public  void addEdge(Node sourceNode, Node destinationNode){


Inside the function "addEdge" i tried making this :


The problem is that when there is already a vertex inside the GraphTraversalSource with the same string with one of the nodes it doesnt detect it . I tried different technics that i found here .For example i have also tried :


which i think is the same with the above one since i use only labels.I also tried this :


but the problem with this one is it throws a warning and doesnt add any vertices at all. I also tired using :


but in this case the command orElseGet{} doesnt work and asks for a supplier type inside it.How can i change a vertex type command into a supplier one?

What can i do in order to check if a vertice with a label already exists and then if it doesnt , to add it?


  • Using the air-routes data set, this worked fine for me.

        List<Vertex> v =

    When run, the output is the ID of the existing vertex, which is correct.


    Similarly, when the vertex does not exist

        List<Vertex> v =

    correctly creates a new vertex with a system assigned ID.


    If you compile using -Xlint:unchecked you will see a warning, but the code works. Java Generics and Gremlin do not always play well together and it is often sufficient to either ignore or override the warning using @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”). Sometimes it is possible to create the appropriate generic tags in the query, but given the variable nature of Gremlin results, that is not always possible. warning: [unchecked] unchecked generic array creation for varargs parameter of type Traversal<?,Vertex>[]

    One last note, the coalesce example in your question does not include a terminal step. Note the use of toList in my example above. Without a terminal step, the query will not be executed against the server - hence nothing getting created.