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Using the undocumented `Application.Trim` and understand VBA intellisense suggestions

When I googled about Trim, I found that it is an Excel function and also a VBA function.

In VBA with both cases it can be used only with one cell and need looping with a range of more than one cell. But, I found some web pages stating use of Application.Trim on a range without loop and indeed it works and very fast.

My question, how Trim used with Application, even undocumented and vba intellisense does not show TRIM after I type Application. And does this mean that WorksheetFunction. can be replaced by Application. to produce a different behavior?

Sub Trim_Issue()
   Dim rng As Range
   Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A3")
   rng = Application.Trim(rng) 'This works although I do not know how
   rng = WorksheetFunction.Trim(rng) 'cause error as it need loop
End Sub


  • Application.Trim

    • My little investigation has led me to believe that Application.Trim actually works with arrays and returns a one-based array of the trimmed values.
    • If rng is a contiguous range with more than one cell, the expression rng.Value (on the right side of an equation) is actually a 2D one-based array containing the values in the range.


    Sub TrimShort()
        Dim rng As Range: Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A3")
        ' The expression 'rng = Application.Trim(rng)' is short for:
        rng.Value = Application.Trim(rng.Value)
    End Sub
    Sub TrimLong()
        Dim rng As Range: Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A3")
        ' Note that the following line is inaccurate
        ' i.e. it will fail if the range contains one cell only.
        Dim Data1() As Variant: Data1 = rng.Value
        Dim Data2() As Variant: Data2 = Application.Trim(Data1)
        rng.Value = Data2
    End Sub


    Sub TrimOneD()
        Dim sArr() As String: sArr = Split(" A A ,  B  B", ",") ' 1D zero-based
        Dim dArr() As Variant: dArr = Application.Trim(sArr) ' 1D one-based
        Debug.Print "srIndex", "sArr", "dArr"
        Dim r As Long
        For r = 0 To UBound(sArr)
            Debug.Print r, sArr(r), dArr(r + 1)
        Next r
    End Sub
    Sub TrimTwoD()
        Dim sData() As Variant: ReDim sData(0 To 1, 0 To 1) ' 2D zero-based
        sData(0, 0) = " A A "
        sData(0, 1) = "  B  B"
        sData(1, 0) = " D   D "
        sData(1, 1) = CVErr(xlErrNA) ' it will not fail if error value
        Dim dData() As Variant: dData = Application.Trim(sData) ' 2D one-based
        Debug.Print "srIndex", "scIndex", "sData", "dData"
        Dim r As Long, c As Long
        For r = 0 To UBound(sData, 1)
            For c = 0 To UBound(sData, 2)
                Debug.Print r, c, sData(r, c), dData(r + 1, c + 1)
            Next c
        Next r
    End Sub


    srIndex        sArr          dArr
     0             A A          A A
     1              B  B        B B
    srIndex       scIndex       sData         dData
     0             0             A A          A A
     0             1              B  B        B B
     1             0             D   D        D D
     1             1            Error 2042    Error 2042