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How to get the max value of 3 fields

I have a table with integer fields like this:

Field1 Field2 Field3
6 1 2
3 6 2
7 4 2
5 6 1
1 6 2
5 7 1
  1. First, I want to look for the max value in field3. It's 2.
  2. Now, I want to look for the max value in field2, but only in records that have the max value from step 1. It's 6.
  3. Now, I want to look for the max value in field1, but only in records that have the max value from step 2. It's 3

The result must be:

Field1 Field2 Field3
3 6 2

These numbers are just an example. They can be in range from 0 to max_int.

How to write an SQL query for Firebird 3?


  • As pointed out by user13964273 in the comments, you can use order by and fetch:

    select field1, field2, field3 
    from example3fields
    order by field3 desc, field2 desc, field1 desc
    fetch first 1 row only


    You can also use the window function ROW_NUMBER() with the desired order for this:

    select field1, field2, field3
    from (
      select field1, field2, field3, 
        row_number() over(order by field3 desc, field2 desc, field1 desc) rownum
      from example3fields
    where rownum = 1


    The solution with ORDER BY is far simpler. Using a window function like DENSE_RANK could make sense if you want to find all matching rows (i.e. if there are multiple rows with the same maximum values).