I have an html list, it on jaspersoft studio preview is showed perfectly:
But when I export the file from Java as a PDF (I'm using jasper ver 6.16.0), the alignment totally mess up, not even the numbers are aligned with each others:
this is my text:
<reportElement x="33" y="30" width="517" height="270" forecolor="#010203" uuid="095f9844-3f02-4ec3-a807-0ae4a57ff5ea"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Justified" markup="html">
<font fontName="DejaVu Sans Mono" size="12" isBold="false" isItalic="false"/>
I'm tried to use this solution but with no effect. Do you have any suggest?
Upgrade to JasperReports 6.19.0 or newer.
Quoting the release notes:
improved bulleted and numbered list support in styled text and HTML markup text fields including better indentation and support for nested lists;