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Split dataframe column based on specific list of words

Is it possible to split strings from a dataframe column based on a list of words?

For example: There is a dataframe with a column Company, each record includes the company name, a legal form, and sometimes additional information after the legal form like 'electronics'.

XYZ ltd electronics
ABC ABC inc iron
AB XY Z inc
CD EF GHI JK llc incident

I have list with 1500 worldwide legal form for companies (inc, ltd, ...). I would like to split the string in the dataframe column, based on this legal form list for example:

['gmbh', 'ltd', 'inc', 'srl', 'spa', 'co', 'sa', 'ag', 'kg', 'ab', 'spol', 'sasu', 'sas', 'pvt', 'sarl', 'gmbh & co kg', 'llc', 'ilc', 'corp', 'ltda', 'coltd', 'se', 'as', 'sp zoo', 'plc', 'pvtltd', 'og', 'gen']

In other words, to separate everything before and after the words in the list to new columns. This is the desired output:

Company Legal form Addition
XYZ ltd electronics
ABC ABC inc iron
AB XY Z inc
CD EF GHI JK llc incident

Note that "inc" appears in the middle, at the end, and also part of a word in the various company name examples.


  • You could use regular expression (Regex) to filter out the legal form. Each legal form is in this format: \slegalform\s

    \s means the legal form is preceded by and ended with a whitespace. Because I have appended all company names with a white space, so the legal form can be at the end as well. The data is processed in lowercase, then converted back to Title Case. So try this:

    import pandas as pd
    import re
    legal_forms = '(\sgmbh\s|\sltd\s|\sinc\s|\ssrl\s|\sspa\s|\sco\s|\ssa\s|\sag\s|\skg\s|\sab\s|\sspol\s|\ssasu\s|\ssas\s|\spvt\s|\ssarl\s|\sgmbh\s&\sco\skg\s|\sllc\s|\silc\s|\scorp\s|\sltda\s|\scoltd\s|\sse\s|\sas\s|\ssp\szoo\s|\splc\s|\spvtltd\s|\sog\s|\sgen\s)'
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Company': ['XYZ ltd electronics', 'ABC ABC inc iron', 'AB XY Z inc', 'CD EF GHI JK llc incident']}, columns=['Company'])
    df['Coy']= df['Company'].apply(lambda x: [e.strip() for e in re.split(legal_forms, x.lower()+' ')])

    This will create a list for each company name, separated by the legal form

                         Company                            Coy
    0        XYZ ltd electronics        [xyz, ltd, electronics]
    1           ABC ABC inc iron           [abc abc, inc, iron]
    2                AB XY Z inc               [ab xy z, inc, ]
    3  CD EF GHI JK llc incident  [cd ef ghi jk, llc, incident]

    After that you can split them into 3 separate columns:

    df1 = pd.DataFrame(df['Coy'].tolist(), columns=['Company', 'Legal form', 'Addition'])
    for col in df1.columns:
        df1[col] = df1[col].str.title()


            Company Legal form     Addition
    0           Xyz        Ltd  Electronics
    1       Abc Abc        Inc         Iron
    2       Ab Xy Z        Inc             
    3  Cd Ef Ghi Jk        Llc     Incident