I see this bit in the jOOQ
* Add a <code>LIMIT</code> clause to the query
* <p>
* If there is no <code>LIMIT</code> or <code>TOP</code> clause in your
* RDBMS, this may be emulated with a <code>ROW_NUMBER()</code> window
* function and nested <code>SELECT</code> statements.
* <p>
* This is the same as calling {@link #limit(Number, Number)} with offset = 0, or
* calling <code>.limit(numberOfRows).offset(0)</code>
I'm wondering if there is a setting to force-enable this option?
There seems to be a setting for the opposite, to convert ROW_NUMBER to LIMIT, but not LIMIT to ROW_NUMBER.
To get around this, I've written the below but if the ability exists in the codebase (and is probably implemented better) I'd like to take advantage of it:
fun wrapQueryInRowNumberSubquery(
stmt: SelectFinalStep<Record>,
limit: Int = 0,
offset: Int = 0
): SelectConditionStep<Record> {
.partitionBy(DSL.field("*")) // custom logic here
.orderBy(DSL.field("*")) // custom logic here
return DSL.select(DSL.asterisk()).from(stmt)
DSL.inline(offset + limit)
There are currently (jOOQ 3.17) no flags to enable / disable individual emulations independently of the SQL dialect.