Search code examples

How do I use asyncio to offload task in a discord bot?

I'm creating a discord bot where one of the commands (I'll call it long_method()) creates a call to the Youtube API and downloads comments. This takes a while and I want my bot to continue responding to other commands (short_method(), for example) while the comments are downloading.

Using asyncio, the definitions of my methods look like this:

async def long_method(self, ctx, params):
    await ctx.send("starting long method")
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    loop.create_task(self.long_method_helper(ctx, params))

async def long_method_helper(self, ctx, params):
    # download youtube comments
    # ...
    await ctx.send("long method complete")

async def short_method(self, ctx):
    await ctx.send("short method called")

However, when I send the following to the discord channel, without waiting for the long method to finish:


The bot outputs:

long method started
[ takes time to process long method ]
long method finished
short method called

Instead, I want it to output:

long method started
short method called
[ time to process long method or responses to other methods]
long method finished

Is there something I'm missing? Shouldn't the call to create_task(self.long_method_helper(ctx, params)) make it run in the background? Thanks!

Edit: the contents of long_method_helper:

    async def search_yt_helper(self, query, confirmation_ctx):        
        # get video ids and titles from Comments package
        video_ids, video_titles, channels = await Comments.youtube_search_keyword(self.api_key, query, max_results=5)
        n = 0
        new_comments = pd.DataFrame()"got {len(video_ids)} results")
        # for each video, get comments from id and add them to new_comments dataframe
        for v_id in video_ids:
            c = await Comments.youtube_get_comments(self.api_key, v_id, scrolls=3)
            n += len(c)
            temp = pd.DataFrame(c, columns=['comment'])
            new_comments = pd.concat([new_comments, temp], ignore_index=True)

        self.comments = pd.concat([new_comments, self.comments], ignore_index=True)

        ctx.send(f"added {n} comments from query")

where Comments.youtube_search_keyword() is defined as:

youtube = build("youtube", "v3", developerKey=config.youtube_api_key)
    search_keyword =, part="id, snippet",

    results = search_keyword.get("items", [])

    titles = []
    ids = []
    channels = []
    for result in results:
        if result['id']['kind'] == "youtube#video":

    return ids, titles, channels

and Comments.youtube_get_comments() is implemented similarly

Using build from googleapiclient.discovery


  • Ok so since the process I was trying to offload was a sync process, the way I solved this was by changing a few things:

    import asyncio
    import concurrent.futures
    async def long_method(self, ctx, params):
        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
            await ctx.send("long method started")
            # heavy processing
            result = await loop.run_in_executor(pool, self.long_method_helper, params)
            # light processes or other async calls
            await ctx.send("long method finished")

    I also changed long_method_helper to be a sync function since that's essentially what it was before.