I have a Button component that uses the types from ButtonTypes.ts
<script lang="ts">
import type { ButtonTypes } from './file_path' # importing button type
export let buttonProps:ButtonTypes
<button type="{buttonProps.type}" class="{buttonProps.customClasses}">Click</button>
In the Slider component (that uses types from sliderTypes.ts), I am using the above Button component
<script lang="ts">
import Buttons from './file_path';
import sliderTypes from './ file_path';
export let sliderProps:sliderTypes # types from sliderTypes
export let button_props; # exporting button_props so that slider can be called in other files and pass props values to customize the buttons for each instance of the slider called
<img src="{sliderProps.image}" alt="sliderProps.alt"/>
<Button buttonProps = {...button_props}/> # This throws an error- properties are missing from type ButtonTypes
Finally, I want both Slider and Button components to be used in App.svelte(root file). I have tried the following in the App.svelte. But it does not work
<script lang="ts">
import Slider from "./file_path";
sliderProps = {{
button_props = {{
The slider component with SliderProps is rendered but the *button is not rendered.
What can be done?
This is wrong:
<Button buttonProps={...button_props} />
If a named property is assigned, there should not be a spread:
<Button buttonProps={button_props} />
Spreading is for assigning many individual properties where the keys on the spread object correspond to the properties. E.g.
// ...
const stuff = { a: 1, b: 2 }; // Name of object does not matter
<Button {...stuff} />
<!-- Button -->
export let a;
export let b;