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Why does contravariance only allow the reverse of assign compatible?

The IComparable<in T> interface is defined as Contra-Variance.

Contra-Variance wrote the following code to check what constraint there is.

public class Parent : IComparable<Parent>
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int CompareTo(Parent other) => 
        string.Compare(Name, other.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);

public class Child : Parent
public static void Compare(IComparable<Child> comparable, Child target)
    var result = comparable.CompareTo(target);
IComparable<Parent> parentComparable = new Parent {Name = "Parent"};
var child = new Child {Name = "Child"};
Compare(parentComparable, child);

Code that receives IComparable<Parent> as an IComparable<Child>. It shows typical Contra-Variance characteristics.

But suddenly, this thought occurred to me.

Can't I pass an IComparable<Child> as an IComparable<Parent>? Of course, It's not possible because IComparable<in T> is Contra-Variance. But, if possible, I wondered, is there a logical problem?

There seems to be no problem in my opinion.

So why doesn't C# Compiler allow it? Maybe am I wrong?


  • The logical problem is very obvious if you try to construct an example like this:

    public class Parent {
    public class Child: Parent, IComparable<Child> {
        public int SomethingSpecificToChild { get; }
        public int CompareTo(Child other) => SomethingSpecificToChild.CompareTo(other.SomethingSpecificToChild);
    public class Program {
        public static void Main(string[] args) {
            ExpectsComparableParent(new Child());
        public static void ExpectsComparableParent(IComparable<Parent> parent) {
            parent.CompareTo(new Parent());

    Here I am passing new Child() as the parameter of ExpectsComparableParent, which expects a IComparable<Parent>. If this did compile, then at runtime the parent.CompareTo call would resolve to the CompareTo declared in Child, and the line


    would run. However, the parameter other is passed an argument of new Parent(), which doesn't actually have a SomethingSpecificToChild property.

    Another way to see this is to list what IComparable<Parent> and IComparable<Child> can do.

    IComparable<Parent> can be compared with any instance of Parent or any instance of Child, since you can pass an instance of Child into IComparable<Parent>.CompareTo.

    IComparable<Child> can only be compared with any instance of Child.

    Clearly, IComparable<Parent> can do everything that IComparable<Child> can do, and more, hence an instance of IComparable<Parent> can be converted to IComparable<Child>, but not vice versa.

    It’s also worth noting that contravariant types’ subtyping relationship being the opposite of the subtyping relationship of the their type parameters is exactly what the “contra-“ in “contravariance” is referring to :)