I have a method which returns IQueryable and in the method it calls the IQueryable.ProjectTo extension method. I am able to map fields with different names from my entity/database objects to the DTO but only when an instance of the configuration mapping is created within the method. However, when I try to inject a profile class with the same configuration mapping through IMapper, the code runs without error but the fields with different names are not mapped i.e. SellCcyRate.
I have looked through the automapper documentation and cannot see where the issue is. Would someone be able to advise?
I am using
Please find my setup below:
public class TradeListDtoProfile : Profile
public TradeListDtoProfile()
CreateMap<Deal, TradeListDto>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.SellCCYRate, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.RateValueFrom));
Startup.cs - ConfigureServices method
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
public class TradeController: ControllerBase {
private readonly EfCoreContext _efCoreContext;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public TradeController(EfCoreContext efCoreContext, IMapper mapper) {
_efCoreContext = efCoreContext;
_mapper = mapper
public List < TradeListDto > RetrieveTrade() {
var tradeService = new DisplayTradesService(_efCoreContext);
return tradeService.FilterSortPage(_mapper);
public class DisplayTradesService
private readonly EfCoreContext _context;
public DisplayTradesService(EfCoreContext context)
_context = context;
public List<TradeListDto> FilterSortPage(SortFilterPageOptions options, IMapper mapper)
return _context.Deal
public static class TradeListDtoSelect
public static IQueryable<TradeListDto> MapTradeToDto(this IQueryable<Deal> deals, IMapper mapper)
//var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Deal, TradeListDto>()
//.ForMember(dest => dest.SellCCYRate, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.RateValueFrom)));
//deals.ProjectTo<TradeListDto>(configuration); // This works
return deals.ProjectTo<TradeListDto>(mapper.ConfigurationProvider); // This doesn't
You cannot mix attribute mapping with the fluent API for the same map. Remove the attribute from your DTO class.
It seems that the attribute overwritten your fluent configuration.