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How to use xUnit to test code when Azure Service bus throws Transient exceptions

I have an Azure Service Bus Trigger function that has the job of replicating the incoming message from a topic and sending it to another service bus topic.

I send the incoming message to the service bus in the other region using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.ServiceBusSender.SendMessageAsync()

I need to write a xUnit test to ensure the right behaviour is being followed when the topic/service bus in the other region is unavailable. Is there a way to simulate the SendMessageAsync() method throwing one of the transient exceptions to test this?


  • You can mock ServiceBusSender.

    e.g. using NSubstitute + xUnit

    public void Test1()
        // Arrange
        var mockSender = Substitute.For<ServiceBusSender>();
        mockSender.SendMessageAsync(default).ThrowsForAnyArgs(new Exception("Example exception"));
        // Act
        var testClass = new YourClass(mock);
        // Assert