The documentation is very clear - set RunOnStartup = false in production. (
However, how do we do that without 'remembering' to change true to false in the code?
I can't see how to pass a config setting from appsettings.json like you can for the Cron String?
public async Task DataRetentionAllTenantsAndAccounts([TimerTrigger("%App:DataRetentionAllTenantsAndAccountsCronTrigger%", RunOnStartup = true)] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
Console.WriteLine("Started DataRetentionAllTenantsAndAccounts");
log.LogInformation("Started DataRetentionAllTenantsAndAccounts");
await _mailMiloManager.DataRetentionAllTenantsAndAccountsAsync();
Here is the code to set RunOnStartup = True
in production environment.
public static void Run([TimerTrigger("%TimerInterval%"
,RunOnStartup=true // When debugging... run the job as soon as we press debug, no need to wait for the timer.
)]TimerInfo myTimer)
This you can do it using Visual Code. check this SO for complete information.