I wanted a way to chain my functions together with this desired result. The calculator always starts at 0 and calling Calculator initiates the result = 0. The calculator has a few functions that operate on this value and can be chained together. At the end of the chain, I call log which logs the result.
In this example, I call Calculator twice and my desired result is A = 100, B = 4. Instead, I get A = 100, B = 204. I understand since it's the same object, the result doesn't get reinitialised to 0 the 2nd time I use it.
const Calculator = {
result: 0,
addNumber(a) {
this.result = this.result + a;
return this;
multiplyNumber(a) {
this.result = this.result * a;
return this;
log() {
// A logs 100
// B logs 204 instead of 4
Is there anyway I can restructure this so the 2nd time I call Calculator, it reinitialises to 0 without using a class and defining new Calculator?
is an object. It seems you're trying to use as if it's creating a new object each time you write Calculator
Probably you want to do something like this:
const calculator = () => {
return {
result: 0,
addNumber(a) {
this.result = this.result + a;
return this;
multiplyNumber(a) {
this.result = this.result * a;
return this;
log() {
// logs 100
// logs 4
Or like this:
class Calculator
constructor() {
this.result = 0;
addNumber(a) {
this.result = this.result + a;
return this;
multiplyNumber(a) {
this.result = this.result * a;
return this;
log() {
// logs 100
(new Calculator()).addNumber(10).multiplyNumber(10).log();
// logs 4
(new Calculator()).addNumber(2).multiplyNumber(2).log();