I'm new to Shiny and i'm really stuck! I'm trying to build an app where users can select a file from a list of files in a folder and simply load and display it. I've looked at similar questions but I really can't understand why my code does not work. I don't get any error msg, the output panel just stays blank..
Any help much appreciated thank you
Best Regards
fpath <- "/dbfs/May2022"
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput('selectfile','Select File',choice = list.files(fpath)),
mainPanel("Main Panel",dataTableOutput("txtout"),style = "font-size:100%") # mainPanel
server <- function(input,output)
fullpath <- file.path(fpath,input$selectfile)
df <- read.csv(fullpath, header = TRUE, sep = ",")})
output$fileselected <- renderText({
paste0('You have selected: ', input$selectfile)
output$txtout <- renderDataTable(
head(df), options =list(pageLength = 5))
Okay, I think below should work:
fpath <- "/dbfs/May2022"
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput('selectfile','Select File',choice = list.files(fpath)),
mainPanel("Main Panel",dataTableOutput("txtout"),style = "font-size:100%") # mainPanel
)#Added a missing parenthesis
server <- function(input,output, session) {#I added session, just because I always see it there, don't really know if it's needed
# Also, I moved the brackets from around reactive to up to the server
paste0('You have selected: ', input$selectfile)
# reactive({#I was told it's not a good idea to put outputs within reactives, so I blocked this out
# fullpath <- file.path(fpath,input$selectfile)
# req(fullpath)
# df <- read.csv(fullpath, header = TRUE, sep = ",")})
# output$fileselected <- renderText({
# paste0('You have selected: ', input$selectfile)
# })
# req(df)
output$txtout <- renderDataTable({
fullpath <- file.path(fpath,input$selectfile)
df <- read.csv(fullpath, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
}, options =list(pageLength = 5))
I put some comments in the code itself where I added a parenthesis and moved a bracket. The biggest thing I did though was just get rid of the reactive
. I used one output for the input$fileselected
, to state which file is chosen, and then the second one, output$txtout
is where the data is read in and displayed. Hopefully this helps and makes sense!