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Taking value of previous row away from current row in R

I have a data frame formatted like so:

GameId Eval
1 1.00
1 1.50
1 0.50
2 -1.00
2 2.00
2 1.00
3 1.50
3 -0.50

I would like a new column which accounts for differences between the current row and the previous, but resets at the start of the next GameId so that it looks like so:

GameId Eval Diff
1 1.00 NA
1 1.50 0.50
1 0.50 -1.00
2 -1.00 NA
2 2.00 3.00
2 1.00 -2.00
3 1.50 NA
3 -0.50 -2.00


  • In base R you might do :

    data <- data.frame(
          GameId = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L),
            Eval = c(1, 1.5, 0.5, -1, 2, 1, 1.5, -0.5)
    data$Diff <- with(data, ave(Eval, GameId, FUN = function(x) c(NA, diff(x))))
    #>   GameId Eval Diff
    #> 1      1  1.0   NA
    #> 2      1  1.5  0.5
    #> 3      1  0.5 -1.0
    #> 4      2 -1.0   NA
    #> 5      2  2.0  3.0
    #> 6      2  1.0 -1.0
    #> 7      3  1.5   NA
    #> 8      3 -0.5 -2.0

    Or using {dplyr}

    data %>% 
      group_by(GameId) %>% 
      mutate(Diff = c(NA, diff(Eval))) %>% 
    #> # A tibble: 8 × 3
    #>   GameId  Eval  Diff
    #>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>
    #> 1      1   1    NA  
    #> 2      1   1.5   0.5
    #> 3      1   0.5  -1  
    #> 4      2  -1    NA  
    #> 5      2   2     3  
    #> 6      2   1    -1  
    #> 7      3   1.5  NA  
    #> 8      3  -0.5  -2