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Can't access k8s cluster in Linode LKE

I am trying to connect the LKE cluster on Linode with my terminal. Steps I've taken:

  • created the cluster in Linode
  • downloaded the generated cluster's .config file
  • set KUBECONFIG context from the .config file

I can see that I'm connected to the cluster from the terminal:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
*         lke67746-ctx   lke67746   lke67746-admin   default

I can see the running pods through the Linode's web portal:

running pods

But when I try to list the pods through the terminal - I see no pods

$ kubectl get pods
No resources found in default namespace.

Thank you in advance for the help!


  • You see no pods because your command only check on the default namespace.

    To check the other pods, It's either you already know your_namespace, and you can kubectl get pods -n your_namespace or you can check all pods by this command:

    kubectl get pods -A

    If you want to get an idea about your namespaces kubectl get namespaces