Trying to create a procedure with JavaScript, which takes in search terms and outputs the columns from the schema where the search term is found.
However, I land up an error which is somewhat difficult to understand what is happening, any leads would be helpful
Execution error in stored procedure SEARCH_VALUE: SQL compilation error: syntax error line 1 at position 7 unexpected 'START'. syntax error line 1 at position 13 unexpected 'FROM'. At Statement.execute, line 38 position 11
The error arises particularly in the
var statement2 = snowflake.createStatement({
sqlText: search_col
var result_set2 = statement2.execute();
I am new to this topic and totally clueless, where is the START here in the SQL? and why is it unexpected FROM ? Moreover when I tried the same code with a different database it worked without any problem. Any leads would be helpful. Thanks a lot.
The code:
create or replace procedure search_value(SEARCH_SCHEMA varchar, SEARCH_TERM varchar)
returns variant
language javascript
var search_schema = SEARCH_SCHEMA ;
var search_term = SEARCH_TERM ;
var result_set1 = "" ;
var result_set2 = "" ;
// Create temp table to insert the search results in.
snowflake.createStatement({sqlText: "create or replace temporary table \
SEARCH_RESULTS (db varchar, schema varchar, \
table varchar, col varchar, col_val varchar)"}).execute();
var get_columns = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + search_schema + "';" ;
var statement1 = snowflake.createStatement({
sqlText: get_columns
var result_set1 = statement1.execute();
catch(err){return "error "+err;}
var db_ = result_set1.getColumnValue(1);
var schema_ = result_set1.getColumnValue(2);
var table_ = result_set1.getColumnValue(3);
var column_ = result_set1.getColumnValue(4);
var search_col = "SELECT " + column_ + " FROM " + db_ + "." + schema_ + "." + table_ + " WHERE CONTAINS(" + column_ + ", '" + search_term + "');" ;
var statement2 = snowflake.createStatement({
sqlText: search_col
var result_set2 = statement2.execute();
return result_set2;
call search_value('SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA', 'requests');
I see that the name of the SP is different (in the error message). The above SP fails with a different error:
SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 94 unexpected 'table'.
At Statement.execute, line 10 position 56 (line 196)
After fixing the above error, and checking the logic of the SP, I see that your generated SQL tend to produce errors.
For example, if one of the table has START column then you generate this SQL:
And it will fail with the error message you mentioned. To avoid this error, you may surround the column with double quotes:
var search_col = 'SELECT "' + column_ + '" FROM ' + db_ + "." + schema_ + "." + table_ + ' WHERE CONTAINS( "' + column_ + `", '` + search_term + "');" ;