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How to add another object in JSON with Ktor

I'm creating API server with Ktor and using exposed SQL.

I have two tables like below:

/// Performance Table
data class PerformanceDAO(val performanceId: String, val title: String, val actor: String)

object Performances : Table() {
    val performanceId: Column<String> = varchar("performanceId", 20)
    val title: Column<String> = varchar("title", 50)
    override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(performanceId)

//Actor Table
object Actors: Table() {
    val performanceId: Column<String> = reference("performanceId", Performances.performanceId)
    val name: Column<String> = varchar("name", 10)

and I'm trying to get data this way:

class PerformanceDAOImpl : PerformanceDAOFacade {
    private fun resultRowToPerformance(row: ResultRow) = PerformanceDAO(
        performanceId = row[Performances.performanceId],
        title = row[Performances.title],
        actor = row[],

    override suspend fun allPerformances(): List<PerformanceDAO> = dbQuery {
            .slice(, Performances.title, Performances.performanceId)

and then I got only one actors without a key.

        "performanceId": "PF13234",
        "title": "Harry footer",
        "actor": [

but I want get data like this

        "performanceId": "PF13234",
        "title": "Harry footer",
        "actor": [
            "name: "John",
            "image": "/upload/images/image.jpg"
            "name: "Harry",
            "image": "/upload/images/image.jpg"


I want to know how to make sub object in JSON with Exposed SQL!


  • You have to create a separate data class ActorDTO and map it in your code by making subquery. Also, I would advice to make Exposed Entities and then map them to your DAO, it can be much simpler but will add some boilerplate code.

    Please check documentation