"rules": [
"rank": 1,
"grades": [
"id": 100,
"hierarchyCode": 32
"id": 200,
"hierarchyCode": 33
"rank": 2,
"grades": []
I've a json like above and I'm using streams to return "hierarchyCode" based on some condition. For example if I pass "200" my result should print 33. So far I did something like this:
.flatMap(ruleDTO -> ruleDTO.getGrades().stream())
.map(gradeDTO -> gradeDTO.getHierarchyCode())
.forEach(hierarchyCode -> {
//I'm doing some business logic here
Optional<SomePojo> dsf = someList.stream()
.filter(pojo -> hierarchyCode.equals(pojo.getId())) // lets say pojo.getId() returns 200
So in the first iteration for the expected output it returns 33
, but in the second iteration it is failing with Null pointer instead of just skipping the loop since "grades
" array is empty this time. How do I handle the null pointer exception here?
You can use the below code snippet using Java 8:
int result;
int valueToFilter = 200;
List<Grade> gradeList = data.getRules().stream().map(Rule::getGrades).filter(x-> x!=null && !x.isEmpty()).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList())
Optional<Grade> optional = gradeList.stream().filter(x -> x.getId() == valueToFilter).findFirst();
result = optional.get().getHierarchyCode();
I have created POJO's according to my code, you can try this approach with your code structure.
In case you need POJO's as per this code, i will share the same as well.
Thanks, Girdhar