I seem to be having a problem setting multiple JAR files to the classpath for Pl/Java.
For each JAR file, I have installed the JARs, using install_jar
But what I now need to do is add each JAR to the classpath, I try the following:
SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('public', 'lib1; lib2');
According to the wiki it mentions the following:
> Usage: set_classpath
> SELECT sqlj.set_classpath(<schema>, <classpath>);
> Parameter Description:
> -schema: The name of the schema.
> -classpath: The colon separated list of jar names.
Although the above does not work, returning the following error:
ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: No such jar: lib1; lib2
Can anyone help to see how I can install more than one JAR to the classpath?
The key appears to be "colon separated". *nix uses colons (e.g. jar1:jar2) and Windows uses semi-colons (e.g. jar1;jar2). Make sure you're using the right one for your OS.