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I’m having trouble figuring out the logic in my custom hook

Basically, as you can see in the code, I only want to run one of these API requests. If origCompId is passed, it runs duplicateInstance, otherwise, it runs addNewInstance. origCompId is a query parameter so it takes a second for it to update. This causes addNewInstance to run because origCompId begins as null. I feel like the logic is simple here, but for some reason, I’m just not seeing the solution.

I tried adding the hasRendered ref, as you can see, but that didn’t prevent it from happening. The problem is, that I need this hook to run when the app first loads. I can’t separate these API calls. If the user is loading the app for the first time, it’ll run addNewInstance and load their initial data. If the user duplicates their existing app, it’ll have origCompId and run duplicateInstance.

Any help would be much appreciated!

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { addNewInstance, duplicateInstance } from "../util/services";

const useAddInstanceToDB = (instance, compId, origCompId) => {
  const hasRendered = useRef<boolean | null>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const controller = new AbortController();
    if (hasRendered.current) {
      if (instance && compId && origCompId) {
        duplicateInstance(instance, controller, compId, origCompId);
      } else if (instance && compId) {
        addNewInstance(instance, controller, compId);
    return () => {
      hasRendered.current = true;
  }, [instance, compId, origCompId]);

export default useAddInstanceToDB;


  • I think you can set the initial props to null / undefined so that non of the statement will run before your api completes

    useAddInstanceToDB(undefined, undefined, undefined);
    const useAddInstanceToDB = (instance, compId, origCompId) => {
        useEffect(() => {
            const controller = new AbortController();
            if (origCompId) {
                if (instance && compId && origCompId !== -1) { // will not run when hook is inited
                    duplicateInstance(instance, controller, compId, origCompId);
                } else if (instance && compId && origCompId === -1) { // also will not run when hook is inited, only run when instance and compId is defined
                    addNewInstance(instance, controller, compId);
            return () => {
        }, [instance, compId, origCompId]);

    setOrigCompId to -1 if new instance is needed, or any value other than -1 if duplicate is needed

    Possible to have better solutions and I am open for that