We are testing Webdriver.IO (https://webdriver.io/) with TypeScript to test if it could be a good framework for automating End-to-End GUI-tests on a Web-application. We have already tried Cypress and TestProject.IO, both of which have test-script recorders either natively built or with plugins or both.
I couldn't find a way to record end-to-end tests with Webdriver.IO - meaning I want to start the recorder, perform some actions (perhaps even validations), stop the recorder and have a script ready to be copy-pasted to VSCode.
So the question: What recorders exist for Webdriver.IO to record my browser?
After researching I came to the conclusion that, at this point in time, the only available test recorder for WebDriver.io is "[WebdriverIO Exporter for Katalon Recorder][1]" available in Chrome Extensions.
However, Katalon is a commercial product and the recorder is dedicated to Katalon. An open-source recorder is yet to be found. [1]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webdriverio-exporter-for/kccnpljpbgjkbjoncfpbmkobhacfekko