I have a few headers which I'd like scrolling and I have added overflow auto & white-space nowrap but it's not working and I am not sure what to do.
I am trying to create some headers with content within so I am able to create some hyperlink to specific parts of the website. I think all the code and all the part of hyperlinking so I can access an specific part of the page (Header2 for example) from another pages is all done but I am having problems by having all the content in the same line (specially for mobile devices)
This is how the Headers look like now: ! https://ibb.co/xhtXHF4
And this is how I would like the Headers to look like, with a scroll bar but all in the same line:! https://ibb.co/DLyzN0J
Now I have added into my code the overflow:auto & white-space:nowrap but it is not working and I am not sure how I can do it to have all the Headers in the same row with a scrolling bar for when the row is too small.
Any suggestions please?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a').click(function() {
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
div.pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr {
display: none;
overflow: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
div.pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr .pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr {
display: block;
:target {
display: block !important;
a:link, a:visited{
background-color: #E1AFB3;
color: #030303;
padding: 14px 25px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
a:hover {
background-color: #C3414D;
<a href="#Header1">Header1</a>
<a href="#Header2">Header2</a>
<a href="#Header3">Header3</a>
<a href="#Header4">Header4</a>
<div id="Header1" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header1" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 1
<div id="Header2" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header2" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 2
<div id="Header3" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header3" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 3
<div id="Header4" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header4" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 4
Thank you for the time everyone
You can enclose all the header divs inside a single div and style it like bellow:
#Headers {
width: 600px; //example
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: no-wrap;
overflow-x: scroll;
<div id="Headers">
<div id="Header1" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header1" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 1
<div id="Header2" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header2" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 2
<div id="Header3" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header3" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 3
<div id="Header4" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr pentaho-shadow">
<div id="Header4" class="pentaho-rounded-panel-bottom-lr">
This is the content from Header 4