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How to customize the folding icons in Vue Treeselect Component?

I have a Vue TreeSelect component in my nuxt application.

The problem is that I want to customize the folding icons in the Treeselect component:

enter image description here

How can I do this ? I tried to modify the css classes, to replace the svg dom child by a custom created with javascript, but I have the impression that this is not the right way to do it...


here is the dom structure for the first icon :

enter image description here

As you can see, I can't just change the css class. I need to change the entire svg node.


  • To solve my problem partially, I needed to replace the <svg></svg> node by a <span></span> node :

    // Creation of the new span node 
    const plusIcon = document.createElement("span");
    plusIcon.setAttribute("class", "vue-treeselect__option-arrow");

    After that, I needed to retrieve all the differents nodes having the class vue-treeselect__option-arrow :

    const treeOptions = treeMenu.getElementsByClassName("vue-treeselect__option-arrow--rotated");
    // Replace all the svg elements by span elements
    Array.from(treeOptions).forEach((treeOption) => {
      if (!treeOption.getAttribute("class").includes("--rotate")) {
          plusIcon.cloneNode(true), treeOptions

    And in the css part, I have replaced the vue-treeselect__option-arrow class :

    .vue-treeselect__option-arrow {
      content: url(path/to/my/svg);