I want to copy the list PoSend.Range("B" & a).Value
(which is a list until the last row), horizontally on sheet "Exprt" with an offset of three between each value
Dim Exprt As Worksheet
Set Exprt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PO&Drawings")
For a = 9 To PoSend_LR
PoSend_LR = PoSend.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Dim a As Integer
Dim k As Integer
POinput = Left(PoSend.Range("B9"), Len(PoSend.Range("B9")) - 14)
If Not IsEmpty(PoSend.Range("B9").Value) Then
End If
For a = 9 To PoSend_LR
Dim mylink As String
FileNameLong = PoSend.Range("B" & a).Value
FileName = Left(FileNameLong, Len(FileNameLong) - 16)
FullPath = PoSend.Range("E7") & "\" & FileName & "\" & FileNameLong
Exprt.Range("B7").Offset(0, 3).Value = FileName
is a string which contains each line from my PoSend.Range("B" & a).Value
list. I'd like to paste each filename
in Exprt.Range("B7").Value
with an offset of three per pasted value.
Best guess:
Sub Tester()
Dim Exprt As Worksheet, PoSend As Worksheet, c As Range, cDest As Range
Dim Filename As String, FullPath As String, FileNameLong As String
Set Exprt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PO&Drawings")
Set PoSend = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PO Send") 'eg...
Set cDest = Exprt.Range("B7") 'starting destination
'loop down from row 9 to last row in ColB
For Each c In PoSend.Range("B9", PoSend.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)).Cells
FileNameLong = c.Value
If Len(FileNameLong) > 0 Then
Filename = Left(FileNameLong, Len(FileNameLong) - 16)
FullPath = PoSend.Range("E7") & "\" & Filename & "\" & FileNameLong
cDest.Value = FullPath
Set cDest = cDest.Offset(0, 3) 'next destination cell
End If
Next c
End Sub