In the following example:
1 bar
2 3.0 foo
3 4.0 foo
4 1.0 bar
5 2.0 bar
6 5.0 bar
7 foo
I would like to get the smallest row index i (that is 4 in our case), for which B(i)="bar"
and A(i)
is not an empty cell. Could you please suggest a formula/VBA macro for this task?
A nice and simple MINIFS
should do what you want.
This just return the minimum index where A is not blank, and B is "bar".
EDIT - Adding an alternative solution using MATCH
is a little more complicated, but works on older versions of Excel and doesn't require the Index column like the previous example does:
=MATCH(1, INDEX(($B$2:$B$8<>"") * ($C$2:$C$8="bar"), 0, 1), 0)