I would like to generate a new C#
Class or C#
Interface in Microsoft Visual Studio Code following the newest C#10
file-scoped namespace syntax.
Beginning with C# 10, you can declare a namespace for all types defined in that file, as shown in the following example:
namespace SampleNamespace; class AnotherSampleClass { public void AnotherSampleMethod() { System.Console.WriteLine( "SampleMethod inside SampleNamespace"); } }
I'm generating C# classes this way:
Right click on folder in the explorer -> New C# Class.
The output looks like this: (the old syntax with curly braces)
namespace SampleNamespace { class SampleClass { public void SampleMethod() { System.Console.WriteLine( "SampleMethod inside SampleNamespace"); } } }
I'm using C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp).
VS Code version is 1.62.3
Is there any way to override the generator behaviour to generate new file-scoped namespace syntax?
Sorry this is a late response but I've just been at this myself.
What you're looking for is a Visual Studio setting.
Go to: Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Code Style
The 4th block down, "Code block preferences"
Change "Namespace declarations" from "Block scoped" to "File scoped"
(This is in Visual Studio 2022)
EDIT (Dec 22nd):
For VS Code, I have installed "C# Extensions" by JosKreativ
Once installed, go to: File > Preferences > Settings
In the "Search settings" textbox type "namespace"
You'll see the option (for me 3rd);
"Csharpextensions: Use File Scoped Namespace"
Check that checkbox and you're good to go.