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How to make throw in javascript reusable in try catch

I am creating an application and in its back end, I heavily rely on try-catch and throw statements. Now that I have used it so much I want to make it reusable because I am constantly repeating the following code and want to make it reusable.

I have some reusable functions and return a response with the success property. If the success is false I then throw the error.

     const someReusableFunctionResponse= await someReusableFunction();
      if (!someReusableFunctionResponse.success) {
        const errorObject = {
          status: 400,
          message: someReusableFunctionResponse.message,
        throw errorObject;

I know I should use the new Error('') but that's not my ask. I want to make the above code reusable something like calling a function and it would automatically throw it.

The response object format is as follow

   success: false/true : bool, // required
   message: 'Some message' : string // required when success false
   value: 'Any value can be object' : any // optional


  • Use a function. Only problem it will tell you error is in function my_assert and not in the original function which will make debugging a bit harder.

    function my_assert(response) {
      if (!response.success) {
        const errorObject = {
          status: 400,
          message: response.message,
        throw errorObject;
    // usage:
    function foo() {
      const someReusableFunctionResponse = {
        success: false,
        message: "you failed",
        value: null
      return someReusableFunctionResponse
    try {
    } catch (ex) {