I have this simple code which i have reduced to as little lines and made as readable as possible. I feel i did a good job but was wandering if it is possible to reduce down further? Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks you
const hasHourlyRate = hourly_price !== null;
const hasDayRate = daily_price !== null;
const hasMonthRate = monthly_price !== null;
const ratesTypes = !desks
? null
: hasHourlyRate & hasDayRate & hasMonthRate // If all rates are available
? [[1, 'Hourly'], [2, 'Day Pass'], [3, 'Monthly Pass']]
: hasHourlyRate & hasDayRate & !hasMonthRate // If only hourly and daily are available
? [[1, 'Hourly'], [2, 'Day Pass']]
: hasHourlyRate & !hasDayRate & hasMonthRate // If only hourly and monthly are available
? [[1, 'Hourly'], [2, 'Monthly Pass']]
: !hasHourlyRate & hasDayRate & hasMonthRate // If only daily and monthly are available
? [[1, 'Day Pass'], [2, 'Monthly Pass']]
: hasHourlyRate & !hasDayRate & !hasMonthRate // If only hourly is available
? [[1, 'Hourly']]
: !hasHourlyRate & hasDayRate & !hasMonthRate // If only daily is available
? [[1, 'Day Pass']]
: !hasHourlyRate & !hasDayRate & hasMonthRate // If only monthly is available
? [[1, 'Monthly Pass']]
: null;
You could check each condition separately as such.
arr.push([i, "Hourly"]);
arr.push([i, "Day Pass"]);
arr.push([i, "Monthly Pass"]);
If you can get your values into an array to loop through that would be even better.