To get the dump file (for crashes) I am using the userModeProcessorDumper.exe. Now the question is how to read this file (to see the stack information). Regarding this I have couple of questions
If Yes, Please help me with steps.
I see in web advice to use Visual Studio 2XXX version. So I am feeling that the same cannot be done using VS Enterprise Edition.
Any material link on this topic would be very helpful to me.
Thanks a lot in advance for your advice.
PS : My application is a C++ based application.
From what I remembered, VS6 cannot be used to debug dumps. It's been a while since I last used it, and trying to verify me memory I came across a workaround that might allow you to debug those dumps after all: Visual C++ 6, and post-mortem (crash dump) debugging.
I don't have VC6 at hand, and have no idea if this really works. Other than that, I feel for you... There are IDEs so much better than VC6. Hope this inability gives you the push towards an upgrade. Debugging dumps is really easy with VC7 and above.