I've got form users from different companies making a selection from 1 to 10 and I need to get the corresponding value in an array unique to each user's company.
Effectively, I think this needs the equivalent of INDEX() in an ARRAYFORMULA(), so I've had a look at the answers to similar questions:
While these look similar, I can't figure out how to apply the proposed formulas to my challenge - I've tried applying them but get errors I don't understand how to fix.
I've created a sample spreadsheet to demonstrate the desired results:
TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(QUERY({Responses!A2:A, Responses!B2:B&"×", Responses!A2:A&"¤"},
"select Col2,max(Col3) where Col1 <>'×' group by Col2 pivot Col1"), "offset 1", )),,9^9)), "×")), 2, ), "¤")&"×"&
FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE({Reference!A2:A, "¤"&Reference!B2:K}),,9^9)))),
"where not Col1 starts with '×' and Col1 is not null", ), "¤")),
VLOOKUP(A2:A&"×"&B2:B, {Responses!A2:A&"×"&Responses!B2:B, Responses!C2:C+1}, 2, ), )))