I have built an app which shows orders that are fetched from my api. orders have some properties as shown here:
id(pin): 22
open(pin): "3.60000000"
high(pin): "4.50000000"
low(pin): "3.20000000"
close(pin): "4.10000000"
time(pin): "2022-07-30T15:12:00+04:30"
active(pin): false
staged(pin): "OFFTRACK"
and I use styled components to show these as follow:
const StyledTableRow = styled(TableRow)(({ theme }) => ({
'&:nth-of-type(odd)': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover,
// hide last border
'&:last-child td, &:last-child th': {
border: 0,
actually my orders has three different values in respect to staged
property of the order; namely: ontrack
, offtrack
and staged
. I wanted to apply this logic in a way those StyledTableRow
s could have different styles according to the staged
and the part I placed the component:
{orders.map((order, index) => {
return (
<StyledTableRow key={index}>
<StyledTableCell align="center">{order.open}</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="center">{order.high}</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="center">{order.low}</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="center">{order.close}</StyledTableCell>
I'm not that new to @mui but about styled components totally confused. thanks.
morganney's comment is correct, but could use some illustration:
<StyledTableCell align="center" staged={ order.staged }>{order.high}</StyledTableCell>
const StyledTableRow = styled(TableRow)(({ theme, ...props }) => ({
'&:nth-of-type(odd)': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover,
// hide last border
'&:last-child td, &:last-child th': {
border: 0,
// Style according to the value of the passed prop. For example...
[<selector>]: {
<CSS_property>: props.staged == "OFFTRACK"
? <CSS_property_value_for_offtrack>
: props.staged == "ONTRACK"
? <CSS_property_value_for_ontrack>
: <CSS_property_value_for_staged> // "STAGED"