In my .storybook/main.js
file, I have:
webpackFinal: async (config) => {
config.resolve.modules = [
...(config.resolve.modules || []),
return config;
But when I run my storybook, I get an error:
resolve 'components/Common/Button' in '/myprojectpath/pages'
Parsed request is a module
using description file: /myprojectpath/package.json (relative path: ./pages)
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
resolve as module
/myprojectpath/pages/node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
looking for modules in /myprojectpath/node_modules
Not sure what's happening. When I run the Next.js project, it loads fine.
Thanks in advance!
It looks like the setting absolute path issue: github issue
Most likely, will be solved with
path.resolve(__dirname, ".."), "node_modules"]
path.resolve(__dirname, "../src"), "node_modules"]