I need to create very basic mapping stup for wiremock
server for the integration tests.
I am calling the POST with the payload on url that has path param in it:
this is the mapping stup I want to match to that call:
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"urlPathPattern": "/ngdms/orders/*"
"response": {
and the wiremock says:
| Closest stub | Request |
[path regex] /ngdms/orders/* | /ngdms/orders/b41a627e-6981-403a-94cd-c225b8036ef1 <<<<< URL does not match
so what is the regex urlPathPattern
that will match basically everything (will be uuid eventually), please?
For Java's regex pattern, *
is a quantifier, meaning it tells the pattern how many of the preceding token(s) to match.
A simple catchall would be .*
is the symbol for any character).
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"urlPathPattern": "/ngdms/orders/.*"
"response": {