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AWS : EFS CLI Query based on Name

So have a req to filterout EFS based on Tags (Name or App code)

for EFS we cant use filter so the only way is to query so im getting the whole list by the below query but is there anyway can i query based on EFS Name like myTest* in my case, provides only EFS that matches name myTest*

aws efs describe-file-systems --query "FileSystems[*].{FileSystemID:FileSystemId, Name:Name, SizeinBytes: SizeInBytes.Value}| []|reverse(sort_by(@, &SizeinBytes))" --region="us-east-1" --output table

Tried this but no luck:

aws efs describe-file-systems --query FileSystems[?Name=='myTest*'].FileSystemId --region us-east-1 --output text

Please assist


  • aws efs describe-file-systems  --query 'FileSystems[?Name==`$name`].FileSystemId' --region $region.   

    You are missing "`" with your second trial.

    If you want to get the name of all the files systems you can first use the following query to find the name of the EFS and then the previous query to get the FileSystemId.

    aws efs describe-file-systems  --query 'FileSystems[*].Name' --region $region

    Or you can get both FileSystemId and the name of the EFS with the following query.

    aws efs describe-file-systems  --query 'FileSystems[].[Name, FileSystemId]' --region $region