I am using Kubernetes version 1.24, I have created a secret for my service account manually, but when I run kubectl get serviceaccounts
, it is showing that I do not have any secrets for that service account?
If you are on K8s version 1.24
The serviceaccount won't create the secret automatically.
You have to create it manually.
kubectl create sa <serviceaccount-name>
Example :
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
name: token-secret
kubernetes.io/service-account.name: "<SA name>"
If you just want to create the token you can use the : kubectl create token <Name>
Read more about it : https://medium.com/@harsh.manvar111/k8s-v1-24-is-unable-to-create-a-serviceaccount-secret-798f8454e6e7