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Python asyncio, why doesn't asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED work as described?

Let's say I have two functions which return similar results. I want to call both and take the results of whichever returns first. So lets say I have two async functions which wait 5 and 2 seconds like so:

import asyncio
from time import sleep

async def func_1():
    for i in range(5):
        print("func 1")
    return "slept for 5"

async def func_2():
    for i in range(2):
        print("func 2")
    return "slept for 2"

And I have a function which calls them like so:

async def competition():
    task2 = asyncio.create_task(func_1())
    task1 = asyncio.create_task(func_2())

    done, pending = await asyncio.wait([task1, task2], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)

As you see the competition function uses asyncio.wait to run the two tasks and returns the results based on the FIRST_COMPLETED function. The documentation defines FIRST_COMPLETED as:

The function will return when any future finishes or is cancelled.

Also, I run the competition function as shown bellow.

However, it does not return when one task is done. It returns when both are done. Furthermore, the asyncio.wait() method is defined as a concurrent executer.

Run awaitable objects in the aws iterable concurrently and block until the condition specified by return_when.

However, that is not what happens. The tasks run in a single thread and one runs after the other. So the result that I get if I run the code is this:

func 1
func 1
func 1
func 1
func 1
func 2
func 2

Am I missing anything? Or have I misunderstood how it works?

FYI: I am using python 3.10.


  • You've been using time.sleep in your code. When you chage your time.sleep calls in your code to await asyncio.sleep(1), the results are:

    func 1
    func 2
    func 1
    func 2
    func 1

    I had some hard time wrapping my head around how async programming works, but in my understanding asyncio is by design supposed to run everything in a single thread (cooperative multithreading). It pauses the execution of a given function, when it encounters a call such as await asyncio.sleep(1) and moves on to execute other functions that are scheduled for execution. The ordinary time.sleep does not allow asyncio to pause the execution.