I use a script that creates a formula to get the name of the spreadsheet.
But this formula never refreshes, neither when I change the spreadsheet name nor when I reopen the spreadsheet.
I would like if it is possible that it refreshes when I change the name of the spreadsheet. If not possible, at least when I close and reopen the spreadsheet.
Here is the script:
let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
return ss.getName();
I execute this function with this formula:
Thanks in advance.
2 solutions
onOpen : execute the script with a slight modification, thsi script will give the address where the name will be put
add a dummy parameter as a checkbox, for instance in A1 and put =SPREADSHEETNAME(A1)
the last possibility is, when opening the spreadsheet, change the value of A1
however, if you change the name manually when the spreadsheet is open you will have to change the value of the checkbox to refresh