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What is the complete list of keys in ClipboardActionTransformations.xml to configure Remote Desktop

There is very little documentation on ClipboardActionTransformations.xml which can be edited to map keys in Remote Desktop.

For example, if I want to map the (host Mac) command key to be the (client Windows) ctrl, I would use the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- transformation for clipboard actions (cut copy paste) -->
<!-- layout specific -->
    <layout name="default">
                <from command="1" key="A" />
                <to control="1" key="A" />

repeating transform for each key.

This file should be copied into the Remote Desktop app after it is updated.

sudo cp ~/ClipboardActionTransformations.xml /Applications/Microsoft\ Remote\

What are all the other keys?


  • Viewing the contents of /Applications/Microsoft\ Remote\\ Remote\ Desktop I have found:

    • Num1, Num2, etc.
    • F1, F2, etc.
    • LeftBrace, RightBrace (or Bracket?)
    • Return, Tab, Delete, Escape
    • Comma, SemiColon, Period
    • Slash, BackSlash
    • Space
    • Equal, Minus
    • LeftCommand, RightCommand
    • LeftShift, RightShift
    • LeftControl, RightControl
    • LeftOption, RightOption
    • CapsLock
    • Apps
    • ForwardDelete, Delete, Insert,
    • PageUp, PageDown, Home, End
    • UpArrow, RightArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow


    • Keypad1, Keypad2, etc.
    • KeypadDecimal
    • KeypadMultiple, KeypadDivide, KeypadPlus, KeypadMinus
    • KeypadEnd
    • KeypadEnter
    • KeypadCl???

    Modifiers are:

    • control
    • command
    • option
    • shift


    1. most of the symbols are truncated, so I'm guessing at them (I couldn't guess one keypad symbol)
    2. I could not find the symbol for ' or `
    3. I haven't tested them all, so some may be incorrect
    4. I haven't had much luck mapping the Windows key, in particular, when I press command, but don't press another key, the Start menu pops up which is annoying
    5. I haven't managed to get the Windows clipboard to show when pressing controlV, but it does show when pressing commandshiftV which is good enough