I have a problem with Logstash translate filter and can't find any solution for that. I want to create a field for vendor names and i take first 6 characters from source and destination mac and compare these values to my dictionary. Filter snippet:
if [source][mac] or [destination][mac] {
grok {
tag_on_failure => [ "vendorsmac_grok" ]
pattern_definitions => {
SRC_VENDOR => "^(?<[vendor][source][mac]>.{6}).+"
DST_VENDOR => "^(?<[vendor][destination][mac]>.{6}).+"
match => {
"[source][mac]" => "%{SRC_VENDOR}"
"[destination][mac]" => "%{DST_VENDOR}"
translate {
dictionary_path => "/etc/logstash/dictionary/mac_vendor.yml"
field => "[vendor][source][mac]"
destination => "[vendor][source][name]"
fallback => "unknown device SRC VENDOR"
add_tag => "Vendor_SRC_MAC"
translate {
dictionary_path => "/etc/logstash/dictionary/mac_vendor.yml"
field => "[vendor][destination][mac]"
destination => "[vendor][destination][name]"
fallback => "unknown device DST VENDOR"
add_tag => "Vendor_DST_MAC"
When I have these two matches in my grok, translate takes only the second one and this is the result:
"vendor" => {
"destination" => {
"name" => "unknown device DST VENDOR",
"mac" => "9077EE"
But there's no information about Source MAC in my event, it is completely ignored. When I comment Destination MAC:
grok {
tag_on_failure => [ "vendorsmac_grok" ]
pattern_definitions => {
SRC_VENDOR => "^(?<[vendor][source][mac]>.{6}).+"
#DST_VENDOR => "^(?<[vendor][destination][mac]>.{6}).+"
match => {
"[source][mac]" => "%{SRC_VENDOR}"
#"[destination][mac]" => "%{DST_VENDOR}"
I have my [vendor][source][name] field resolved properly:
"vendor" => {
"source" => {
"name" => "Wistron",
"mac" => "54EE75"
Can someone point me what's wrong here? Am I facing some kind of bug? Tested on Logstash 7.10.2-1 and 7.17.2-1.
Quick look on the documentation... Option break_on_match
in grok is set to true by default. I changed it to false and it worked.
I've lost a lot of time for that :D