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Why cannot define function of type 'Set -> Set' in Agda?

Assume there are four types , D, Q, P, C

data Q : Set where
  q1 : Q
  q2 : Q

data P : Set where
  p1 : P
  p2 : P

data C : Set where
  c1 : C
  c2 : C

data D : Set where 
  d1 : D 
  d2 : D

When trying to define function

f : Set -> Set
f D = Q
f P = C

I get the warning unreachable clause .

I assume it is because domains of Agda function are defined on sets but not category of sets. What if I want a mapping relation which behaves like a close type family in Haskell ?


  • Because the Agda compiler erases types during compilation, it is not allowed to pattern match on Set directly. (The error 'unreachable clause' is a bit confusing but it results from Agda interpreting D as a pattern variable rather than the datatype.)

    The usual way to work around this problem is to define your own universe, i.e. a datatype whose elements are interpreted as specific sets. Here is an example:

    data Q : Set where
      q1 : Q
      q2 : Q
    data P : Set where
      p1 : P
      p2 : P
    data C : Set where
      c1 : C
      c2 : C
    data D : Set where
      d1 : D
      d2 : D
    -- Our little universe
    data U : Set where
      d : U
      p : U
    -- The interpretation function
    ⟦_⟧ : U → Set
    ⟦ d ⟧ = D
    ⟦ p ⟧ = P
    f : U → Set
    f d = Q
    f p = C
    -- An example of how to use f:
    omo : {u : U} → ⟦ u ⟧ → f u
    omo {d} d1 = q1
    omo {d} d2 = q2
    omo {p} p1 = c1
    omo {p} p2 = c2